Learn To Trust Yourself: Part 3

After betrayal, it's hard to trust anyone, including yourself. This is part 3 of a three part series on learning to trust yourself again. Even though it feel impossible, there's real, tangible ways to start rebuilding confidence in yourself and your ability to navigate your new reality. Watch this video and the 2 previous ones to start building your life back brick by brick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp00mhMafyk

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Learn to Trust Yourself Again: Part 2

It's so common to lost the ability to trust yourself after betrayal and infidelity. Everything you thought was true turns out to be a lie. Through the abuse of gaslighting, table turning, and blame from the addict, your reality is no longer what you thought it was. Now you may question your ability to see truth from error, know when something is off and act…

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Learn to Trust Yourself Again: Part 1

Through betrayal trauma trust in all things is shattered. That's trust in the spouse, in your marriage, in your reality, in God, and most devastating is loss of trust in yourself. This is part one of 3 on how to rebuild the damaged trust in yourself so you can gain a foundation to then be able to start learning to trust others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95zSTfLx9Gw

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Taking Your Life Back After Betrayal

Stop putting yourself last. You matter and it's time to live like you matter! It's just way too easy to push yourself down to the bottom of the priority list and self care just goes out the window after the devastation of betrayal trauma. If you've experienced infidelity then you know how important it is to focus on the small things that you CAN do…

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Stay on Track With Your Goals

Sticking to the goals you set can be challenging! Getting a handle on your mindset can make all the difference. In this video I talk about the mastery mindset vs the performance mindset. Learn to get out of your own way and start learning how to crush the goals you set for yourself so you can reach the next version of yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTjnHTB1nSg

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Healing After Betrayal

Healing from betrayal trauma feels like an impossible task. Between Gaslighting, table turning, lies and secrecy, picking up the pieces after betrayal and infidelity feels overwhelming and unbearably painful. As your world crumbles around you, you're left with the devastation and chaos. It's up to you to manage the crisis, but how??? In this video I talk about prioritizing yourself and your healing, creating awareness…

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